


OxyHealth - Respiro270 Assembly (4K)


OxyHealth - Clean Air Pro


OxyHealth - Vitaeris320 Assembly

How to pack a portable hyperbaric chamber into a carry bag

Oxyhealth - Brief

OxyHealth - Hyperbaric Van (PRODUCTION) Part 2

OxyHealth - Hyperbaric Van (PRODUCTION) Part 1

Installing a Fortius420® in the second floor of a clinical establishment

Bill Schindler Talks About Treating 45,000 Families with HBOT

OxyHealth at A4M 2019

OxyHealth Vitaeris Portable mHBOT Chamber: Breathe and Heal

OxyHealth Portable Chambers: Transportation and Treatment All In One

The Healing Power of OxyHealth Vitaeris320® Portable Hyperbaric Chamber

Solace210® Mild Hyperbaric Chamber: Light and Powerful

OxyHealth Respiro270® Portable Hyperbaric Chamber: The Mid-Sized Wonder

How to Depressurize the Vitaeris Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber After Use

LeBron James Recovers in OxyHealth Vitaeris Hyperbaric Chamber

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Brings Hope to Kids Affected by Neurological Ailments

Matt Courson Reviews OxyHealth Hyperbaric Chambers at the Abilities Expo

Mark Wahlberg Rejuvenates in OxyHealth Hyperbaric Chamber, Vitaeris320® at Home

OxyHealth Vitaeris320® - HBOT Studies Prove Efficacy

OxyHealth Chambers to aid in Caddie's Recovery at U.S. Open

Fortius420® Steel Hyperbaric Chamber

Installation - Fortius420® Hyperbaric Chamber

OxyHealth: A Tradition of Safety

OxyHealth Assembly

Lebron James Using OxyHealth Chamber

Portable Hyperbaric Chambers

Yanhee International Hospital Alternative Medicine


Great Falls boxing legend Todd Foster receives hyperbaric chamber to treat brain injury

These video illustrations give a glimpse at the ease of chamber installation and operation. OxyHealth chambers are made to take the complication out of the treatment process. See how quickly our chambers can be up and running in a fraction of the time compared to conventional hyperbaric chambers.

The Quamvis320®,Vitaeris320®, Respiro270®, and Solace210® continue to be the most requested chambers, world-wide, for clinic and home use. These chambers can be ordered, received and set up in a matter of days. OxyHealth chambers are specifically constructed to remain incredibly user-friendly and training simply involves reading the manual and calling our office for any additional advice.

The Fortius420® steel chamber can be installed into clinics and homes within a few hours after the chamber arrives at the desired location. As this chamber rests on wheels, it can be easily maneuvered with just two people and is one of the only high-pressure steel chambers that is FDA approved for personal use.

Customers can call their sales representative or customer care agent for any and all questions at any time.

Call us today to learn more 562.906.8888 or email us at

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* Solace210®, Respiro270®, Vitaeris320®, Quamvis320® Fortius420® and Fortius420 - EXP are federally registered and trademarked names of Oxy-Health, LLC and are fully protected under federal law.